
Sunday, August 12, 2012

CD Rack Trellis

Spray paint
A few months ago, I found a CD Rack at a yard sale.  It was marked $4.00, but I was able to talk my way to $2.00 for this gem.  As soon as I saw the rack, I knew it would someday be either a topiary or a trellis for a blooming vine of some sort.  That day is today, and here is my up-cycled CD Rack-turned-trellis.
Green Apple spray paint
by Rustoleum
$2.00 CD Rack
from a yard sale.
SPRAY PAINT: I painted it satin green apple (Rustoleum Ultra Cover Spray Paint).

Whimsical dots added with the handle end
of the craft paint brush.
CRAFT PAINT: I painted every other rung on the front with outdoor craft paint.  Next, I added dots to create a whimsical look. These dots are really easy to create.  Just dip the handle end of a craft brush in the paint, then dot it onto the item.  It creates great little dots every time.  To make bigger dots, use a bigger brush.

MOUNTING and PLANTING:  I mounted my new trellis on the fence next to my shed and planted a pink blooming Allamanda vine underneath it.

Mounted CD Rack Trellis on the fence
above a pink blooming Allamanda vine.

Mounted CD Rack Trellis next to the shed.
Won't it be beautiful as the vines grow through it?

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